Every year, the number of rate of fraudulence is increasing. There are many reasons why a lot of people are becoming victims of this crime. And one of the reasons is taken identity from expired identity cards(expired bank cards, Social Security I.D., and others), confidential-outdated documents, CDs, from what you think are garbage.
A lot of the people, whatever nationality, color, age, gender are interested or nosy on what other people's life or business. It's always the interest of one person towards the others that make things happen, and in this case, fraud people can become interested with your identity to misuse it.
So how can be your 'garbage a weapon against you?
Let's say, you receive the new issued card from your bank to replace the old one, then you throw your previous card in your garbage bin at home. So the next morning a new part time garbage collector whose main business is fraud bank cards, pick up all your garbage and saw your card. Now, he use your identity, use his skills, and olah! He got full access of your account now. The next morning when you check your bank account, suddenly goes wrong. Your money is gone or your credit card has reached the limit.
It's simple as this, "One man's trash is another man's treasure."
Now let's go to your documents. Whether it's your certificate of being a veterinarian 20 years ago, there will still be interested people to have that copy to misuse it.
Do you think it's impossible?
Well, have you watch the movie of Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio(Frank), Catch Me if You Can? It's based on a true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., . In that movie, Leo took millions of dollars through fraudulent identity as pilot, doctor, and a legal prosecutor. Does he get caught? Yes, after long years of chasing him.
That kinda sounds interesting right? --See? You get interested to know more about that, how much more those bogus people who are interested to have money out of your pocket?
Now, let's go to the last one, CDs. You might be wondering why a circular dick can be something valuable to other people or misuse it against you.
I'm sure you know how competitive it is to live, right? So as the competing companies out there. Some companies will hire someone to apply for a specific job in their competitor/s, and take some information from them.
For an instance, your an an employee of a soda company, and the company wanted you to apply as assistant of the CEO of the competitor. Then you get hired and your doing a lot of tasks that includes receiving phone calls from investors, suppliers, etc., You discovered that your boss is saving files of the company's record in a Bluray Disc for future purposes. He didn't want to use it anymore, and asked you to shred it, but you didn't shred it, and you continue the story.
So, should you shred your CD that contains file that belongs to you or some close to you?
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