Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Making My Home Office Pleasant to Working

Don't you feel pleasant when you are working in your home office? Don't worry you made a good step today by searching on how will you make your home office pleasant to working.

Here you don't need to spend tons of money to buy expensive executive desks and chair to make your office beautiful. You are not here to make your office beautiful in your eyes and in the eyes of the people but for you to pleasantly work there for several hours a day.

Before I start with my short list to my main topic, I want you compare the 2 photos below, and which one would you choose and why?

If you would notice from the two photos, both doesn't have fancy furniture neither a big space home office. And here are a few things why the 2nd photo stand out than the other one (home-office that is pleasant to work at):

1. Home office planning

Proper home office room planning is very important, if you didn't do this right, all your efforts or implementations at the end of the day won't be fantastic as what you think it should be.

Basically, it serves as your blue print or guide to build your own pleasant home office workstation.It gives you a whole picture of what sizes and shapes of furniture you need to buy and a lot more.

2. Ventilation

If you are living in one of the warm States in America, it's best to have windows that will bring in air in your home office, especially during Summer season. It's always good to have an air-flowing in your work station to avoid stress, heat stroke, headache, and others.

But if you are living in one of the cold countries in Europe, Canada, or other cool States in U.S., heater is just the answer. There are affordable electric heaters available on the market that you can buy in less than a hundred bucks that will surely bring you comfort in your office while working.

3. Ergonomic furniture

Part of having a pleasant home office work station is having a comfortable furniture that is just right for your body structure, and won't compromise you. If you are like the many people who are experiencing back pain, wrist strain, arm pain, and others, you'd best to consider buying set of ergonomic furniture. And yes, you can find an ergonomic executive chair that is reasonably affordable, and even the desk.

Some people think that using of ergonomic devices like, ergonomic mouse or ergonomic keyboard solely will gonna make a big change--but it's not. It's like aiming to win the best Halloween costume award, you have to wear your best outfit, tidy up your hair, wearing necessary accessories, give a little bit of make up, --it's a head-to-toe project. Same as having an ergonomic furniture and devices for your home office enable for you to have a convenient and comfortable working experience.

4. Plants

Either it's big or small, place an indoor plant in your home office. Plants bring life to us and our environment significantly, and yes there are a lot of benefits of plants in home office as well. It cleanses our air that we breathe, it also reduces noise, and most importantly plants give psychological and physical benefits. 

A lot of people use plants as an aesthetic design.

5. Arts

Hanging a some paintings, colorful photos, drawings, or any kind of art can bring image or personality in a plane room. And if you can noticed from the 2nd photo above, it brings life and it beautifies the home office in a very simple yet effective way.

You don't need to spend for high-end paintings, if you want some inspirational posters in frames that would be good idea. Even photos of you, your family, friend, your idol, and places where you've been to and you want to see, are also art. Remember, it's one of the best things that will remind you of the best things that happen in your life, and it will also keeps you inspired.

There you have it. They are very simple yet effective. Not all the comfortable things in this life are expensive to have, just a little bit of creativity, and things will work pretty easily. I hope this will help you to create your home home office pleasant to working.

Photos used under Creative Commons: 1st photo & 2nd photo

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