Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Why Natural Light is Important in Your Home Office

Home office for architect
Having an office is one of the greatest thing a home-based employee or business owner could have. Yearly, there's an increasing number of people working at home be it as a virtual assistant, a programmer, a business owner, and others.

Majority of them enjoy the benefits of home-based work like, no hassles in traveling or commuting, more time to spend for their personal life, and many more.

Home based-job seems like a lovely phrase to hear, and first thing that I can think of is relaxing. But, in reality it's better described as less stressed than working in a busy city. I'm also working at home and I'm happy that I have a very comfortable, well ventilated, bright modern design apartment near the beach.

Lovely, don't you think? Few months before I live in this nice apartment, I live in a few different apartments that are nearly directly opposite where I am living now; no natural breeze, no enough natural light, and I always need to turn on the lights 24/7. I didn't like it, I feel heavy, my eyes always looked tired, and some how stressed and getting "crazy".

Luckily, I was able to find a very spacious studio type apartment with stretched-out balcony and most of all the full length glass window-door that faces the morning sun. That gives my room a blooming-bright room during morning into a light-bright room from mid-day 'til the afternoon.

There are a few different things why natural light is important to human especially in our working area.

1. Energy efficient

In my case, being in a dim/dark working area requires me to turn on the lights every time work but now, I've never turned on any single light during day time while I'm working. I will definitely say that has natural light is energy efficient.

2. Avoids eyestrain and headache

Eyestrain is one of the most common issues of people working in a poor lighted places where they work for long period of hours, and it causes eyes to force focus on what we are doing. Headache is just one of the symptoms of eyestrain.

3. Brings good vibes/mood

 There are a lot of different studies on how natural light affects moods of the workers in offices. Although the results of the studies in this topic are different with one another, there's one that gave a concrete strong evidence that natural day light alleviates depression of patients. Click here for more information.

Personally speaking, I became more positive and energetic now living in a room that has natural light than I was before, living in an apartment where there was no natural light coming in to the room.

4.  Productivity in work

A study shows that proper natural lighting effects the productivity of the employees, significantly. People tend to be more energetic and positive to finish their works pretty well before the end of the day.

 For my point of view, it's true that natural light affects a person's productivity in wok 'cos I discover it to myself through comparing my work before and now. However I am not a scientist, and I am just giving my opinion. 

If you are the type of person who prefers living and working in the darkness, then it's your choice. However, for the people to feel more positive everyday towards his aim to have a healthy living and a productive career, working in home-office, I'd suggest that having a big window in your office is pretty ideal.

Light gives life.

Photo used under Creative Commons

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